â–ª Projects â–ª
Some of my projects have included designing cabinet designs from the ground up, while for some others, I designed just the graphics, color scheme, or certain parts.
The games below are the titles I worked on as a key member of the Production and Design Team for development and release. Some were collaborations with Bandai Namco Amusement Japan, while others were strictly developed in-house at BNAA.

â–ª Logo Designs â–ª
Below are logos that I have designed for arcade games by Bandai Namco Amusement America.
I also designed the Speedy's One Stop Repair Service logo and mascot design.
Dead Heat Unleashed

Speedy's One Stop Repair Service "Speedy"

Speedy's One Stop Repair Service Colorways
â–ª Product Designs â–ª
Each year we try to design new products for our Pac-ManCave product line and I have designed/led several different types of projects.

Pac-ManCave Pint Glass Sets

Pac-ManCave Barstools and Backrest